Xiao Bai Apricot (小白杏)


Height: 34″-40″ after trimming.
Diameter: 0.5″-0.8″.
Fruit ripens in June.
Fruit weight: 0.7 oz.
Hardiness zone: 4-10.

Category: Tag:


Average fruit weight is 19.7 grams. Its skin is yellowish-white or pale orange-yellow, while the flesh is also yellowish-white with a fine texture. The apricot is very juicy and extremely sweet, boasting a sugar content of 27.1 degrees and 22.1% soluble solids. It is freestone, with a sweet and aromatic kernel. This variety matures in June and is ideal for both drying and kernel use.

Bare root shipping. Some leaves and branches will be pruned before shipping.