Qingshan (青山龙眼)


4 years old.
Height: 30″-40″.
Diameter: 0.5″-0.8″.



Qingshan Longan has well-developed and intact fruits with no external damage, fresh and clean. It has the inherent color of the mature fruit of this variety, with no cracked or spoiled fruits. The fruits are plump, slightly flattened, with yellowish-brown skin, large in size with small seeds. Qingshan Longan is of high quality and nutritional value, with thick, crisp flesh that is sweet, non-juicy, and easy to separate from the seed. Each fruit weighs over 14 grams, with a soluble solid content of more than 17%, an edible rate of over 66%, and a total acid content of more than 0.06 grams per 100 grams.