Longhui Red Navel Orange (龙回红脐橙)


Fruiting age.
Height: 24″-32″.
Diameter: 0.35″-0.45″.
Fruit weight: 9.9 – 12.3 oz.

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It is a new variety developed from a bud mutation of Newhall navel orange. It matures in mid to late November, about 20 days earlier than Newhall, and its yield is over 30% higher than Newhall’s.

Longhui Red has excellent fruit-bearing characteristics, producing more fruit than Newhall without alternating between high and low yield years. The fruit has an orange-red appearance, with a deeper color than Newhall. The fruit is large, weighing between 280 to 350 grams, with some reaching up to 500 grams (1 jin). The flesh is orange-yellow, juicy, with a melt-in-the-mouth texture, high sugar and low acidity, and a sweet, rich flavor. It is seedless, with a sugar content of 14-15%, 2 degrees higher than Newhall, and has a better taste. It is more resistant to diseases, including canker, and more cold-resistant, tolerating temperatures as low as -4 to -6 degrees Celsius without significantly affecting yield, making it hardier than Newhall.