Rock Sugar Chicken Heart Wampee (冰糖鸡心黄皮)


Fruiting age.
Height: 34″-40″.
Diameter: 0.6″-0.8″.



The fruit is round or chicken heart-shaped, weighing between 7.0 to 9.0 grams per fruit, with a golden yellow skin. On average, each fruit contains 2 seeds, with a single-seed rate of 30%, a two-seed rate of 50%, and a three-seed rate of 15%. The edible rate is 79.9%. The fruit is sweet with a fragrant, rich flavor, and the flesh is crisp and tasty with ample juice. It contains 14.3% soluble solids and is of excellent quality. It matures in early to mid-July and is an excellent variety for fresh consumption.

Additional information

Weight 15 lbs
Dimensions 40 × 7 × 7 in


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