The Red Nanguo Pear is a bud mutation of the Nanguo Pear, discovered in 1989 by the Fushun Specialty Research Institute in the Nanguo Pear Orchard in Gounaidian Township, Qingyuan County, Liaoning Province. The fruit has a nearly round shape, with an average weight of 110 grams and a maximum weight of 180 grams. The sun-exposed side of the fruit is bright red, covering 65%–70% of the surface. The skin is smooth and glossy, with relatively large, dense, nearly round lenticels. The stem cavity is shallow and almost flat, with grooves, while the calyx cavity is deeper, with the calyx either persistent or shed. The fruit stem is short and thin, and the core is relatively small. The flesh is milky white.
When freshly harvested, the flesh is firm, sweet, and crisp. After ripening for 10–15 days, the flesh turns yellowish-white, becoming fine-textured, soft, juicy, and with few stone cells. The soluble solids content is 16%, reducing sugar content is 14.18%, and organic acid content is 0.51%.
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