Kensington Pride (肯辛顿骄傲澳芒)


3 years old.
Height: 30″-36″.
Diameter: 0.4″-0.6″.
Will produce fruits next year.



The Kensington Pride mango is a named commercial mango cultivar that originated in Australia. It is sometimes called the KP, Bowen or Bowen special. It is Australia’s most popular mango, accounting for over 80% of the country’s annual commercial mango market. It is considered to have a distinctive flavor and aroma.
The fruit average around a 500 grams in weight at maturity. They are ovate in shape and have a rounded apex, generally lacking a beak. The skin color is yellow, developing some red blush. The flesh is yellow, with moderate fiber, and has a sweet and spicy flavor. The fruit contains a polyembryonic seed, meaning that two seedlings emerge from one seed.